Winter 2025 Course Offerings
Courses include a rich variety of activities and skills, as well as academic subjects, and all are taught by experts volunteering their time. Members may take as many as they choose for one membership fee of $45 and organization membership fee of $100.
Busy schedule? Most Zoom classes are recorded on YouTube for later viewing by members.
2025 Session Dates:
Two Catered Tuesday Lunches: Feb. 4 and Mar. 4. Ashland Hall at 12:30 $12 or BYOL. See menus below. Make reservations on Member Dashboard or in office.
On all other Tuesdays: Chat-n-Chew. Ashland Hall from 12:15 to 1:15. Tables, teas, and water are furnished. BYOL and enjoy fellowship. Refrigeration available. No reservations needed.
February 4 Menu: Old fashion pot roast, garlic mashed potatoes, green beans, spinach apple salad, roll, dessert, and tea.
March 4 Menu: Barbecued pork, macaroni and cheese, vegetable medley, Caesar salad, roll, dessert, and tea.
Sunday Lunch and Matinee of Steel Magnolias at Town Theatre on Feb. 16 [Date is wrong in the brochure.] NOTICE: Watch the Horn for details and plan to reserve this event during the first two weeks of Winter Session.
Process to Sign Up & Register:
(1) Beginning January 1 click Membership in the menu.
(2) Click Sign Up Now to join the Winter Session electronically. You may choose as many onsite courses as you like. You will be contacted if a course is full.
If you prefer not to register online, click Mail-In Form and send it and your check to the office: 2600 Ashland Road, Columbia, SC 29210.
(3) By January 15 members will receive confirmation and password access to the Member Dashboard on our website and can begin registering with Zoom for as many courses as desired. On the Dashboard you can click on links to register for any and all courses you would like to take through Zoom. It will be helpful to teachers and hosts if you register by January 18. Call the Center office if you need help with Zoom.
To see updates, remember to clear your browsing-history cache before going to our website:
Key Dates
- Jan. 1 Sign-Up for Winter Session opens
- Jan. 14 Soft deadline for sign-up (people can continue to sign up after this as long as there is space)
- Jan. 15 Members will receive email with Member Dashboard access to Zoom registration links
- Jan. 18 Soft deadline for registration on Zoom for Zoom courses
- Jan. 21 Winter Session begins

Onsite Courses
Inclement Weather Policy: Whenever Lexington-Richland School District 5 makes any change to their schedule for inclement weather, the Center will be closed. Info will be on WIS-TV, our Facebook page, and our website. Online courses will not be affected.
Mayhem in the Court: The Carroll County Shootout HYBRID
On Thursday, March 14, 1912, the Blue Ridge Mountain town of Hillsville, Virginia, became the site of a shocking courtroom shootout that captured the nation’s attention. After a verdict of guilty against a local hothead, 57 shots rang out in 90 seconds, leaving five dead and seven wounded. The specifics of the shootout, which revealed long-standing family and political feuds, are still hotly disputed. Tom Brawner, retired attorney and active true crime researcher, will explore the people, places, and events leading to this violent massacre. He will present from his home in NC to members both onsite and on Zoom. Class begins at 9:30.
The Tudors: History and Consequences HYBRID
Welcome to a world of intrigue, danger, scandal, passion, and betrayal with a dynasty that started 500 years ago in international bloodshed. Join Edwina Winter in an exploration of how a family from humble Welsh beginnings carved a place in history and global consciousness. Class begins at 11:30.
Down My Favorite Rabbit Hole
Just as Alice was drawn to follow the White Rabbit and ended up in Wonderland, so our teachers often find themselves pursuing something totally unexpected, and we all discover a world of wonders we never knew about. Join some of our most popular teachers as they go from yearning to learning. Coordinated by Connie Thompson. Class begins at 9:30.
Jane Austen: Not What You May Think
Jane Austen was a woman who was much more fun and engaged with the world than most contemporary readers imagine. She was not the stereotypical isolated ‘spinster’ as she is apt to be described. Just who is Mr. Darcy? All of this will be revealed as Dr. Paula Ashley, retired professor of English, explores Austen's life, her work, and the entire movie and literary industry that emerged around her in the late 20th century. Film clips will be included. Class begins at 10:30.
Wonder and Awe
We've all experienced those wonderful moments of awe that transfix and often transform us. Each week, Anne Cox, life coach and interfaith community leader, will lead us in exploring a different source of wonder and awe, such as movies, human creativity, AI, animal communications, sharing stories, and breathtaking nature photography. We’ll often watch a related TED Talk or other video to expand our insights with expert educators. Class begins at 11:30.
The Golden Year 1939: How Hollywood Changed the Way We Go to Movies
1939 is considered the peak year of Hollywood’s Golden Age. Great classic films such as Gone with the Wind and The Wizard of Oz forever shaped the way we would look at films as part of our culture. Film buffs Larry Brown and Tom Kuhn will lead us on a journey through important films of 1939 and offer commentary on how Hollywood not only reflected our culture at a critical moment in history but also shaped future generations of movie-goers and even society itself. Class begins at 10:30.
Three Levels of Ukulele, offered by Deb McMurphy
Ukulele 1: Newbies. Designed for the beginners who were enrolled in Fall 2024. Class size limit 6. Class begins at 11:30.
Ukulele 2: Good Foundations. For those who feel they need more basic work on forming chords, strumming, and learning the C scale before moving to Good Vibrations course. Class size limit 8. Class begins at 10:30.
Ukulele 3: Good Vibrations. For experienced players who want to expand their repertoire and chord skills. Class size limit 12. Class begins at 9:30.
Art: Perfecting Your Skills in Watercolor
This all-morning workshop allows students to work on their own projects at their own pace. They must supply their own materials, including water containers and paper towels. Experienced artist Dee Hansen joins at 10:00 to offer advice on techniques and materials. Open to students of all levels. Class size limit 15. Class begins at 9:30 and continues through 11:30.
Chair Yoga
Cindy Smith, certified YogaFit instructor, leads this gentle form of yoga practiced sitting or standing using a chair for support. She teaches basic movements for total body stretching along with an emphasis on balance and core strength. Class begins at 10:30.
Beginning Spanish
Do you want to get started in conversational Spanish or reconnect after not using what you learned long ago? Let Diane Kuhn, retired language teacher, help you learn conversational vocabulary and gradually learn basic grammar. We will use an excellent and engaging program that allows us to hear native speakers. Class size limit 12. Class begins at 9:30.
Continuing Spanish
Dr. Peggy Hill continues study of grammar, vocabulary, and conversation. Students should know basic Spanish. Class size limit 12. Class begins at 11:30.
Creative Quilting
Under the guidance of award-winning quilter Judie Travis, learn about curved rulers and faux curve techniques, plus a mystery quilt pattern. Quilting for local charities continues, and members are welcome to bring their own projects. Participants must have basic quilting skills and bring their own supplies, tools, and sewing machines. Class size limit 20. Class begins at 1:30.
Bell Ensemble
Secular, classical, and sacred music will be performed at a level and speed determined by the players. Focus will be on development of artistic expression. Taught by experienced music teacher Joan Marco. Minimum class size 6; maximum 10. Class begins at 11:30.
Line Dancing
Practice favorite line dances taught by Lynda Mixon. Come for good exercise and good company. Beginners are welcome. Class begins at 9:30.
Beginning-Intermediate Bridge
Enjoy playing and polishing bridge skills with guidance from Judy Johnson and June Cook. Group size limit 12. Class begins at 1:30.
Games with Friends
Join fellow members for an afternoon of laughter over popular board games. Coordinated by Dr. Carol McGinnis Kay. Class begins at 1:30.
Let's Play Mah Jongg
Enjoy playing this ancient and fun tile game with friends. Cathy McCarley, coordinator. Class size limit 16. Class begins at 9:30 and continues through 11:30.

Online Courses
Getting Ready to Zoom: Zoom is an online technology ideal for distance education. To get started, type the word Zoom into the web browser on your desktop or laptop computer. At the Zoom website, sign up for the free basic service and download the app as directed.
Busy schedule? Most Zoom classes are recorded on YouTube for later viewing by members through the Member Dashboard.
Mayhem in the Court: The Carroll County Shootout
On Thursday, March 14, 1912, the Blue Ridge Mountain town of Hillsville, Virginia, became the site of a shocking courtroom shootout that captured the nation’s attention. After a verdict of guilty against a local hothead, 57 shots rang out in 90 seconds, leaving five dead and seven wounded. The specifics of the shootout, which revealed long-standing family and political feuds, are still hotly disputed. Tom Brawner, retired attorney and active true crime researcher, will explore the people, places, and events leading to this violent massacre. He will present from his home in NC to members both onsite and on Zoom. Class begins at 9:30.
The Tudors: History and Consequences
Welcome to a world of intrigue, danger, scandal, passion, and betrayal with a dynasty that started 500 years ago in international bloodshed. Join Edwina Winter in an exploration of how a family from humble Welsh beginnings carved a place in history and global consciousness. Class begins at 11:30.
Intermediate-Advanced Spanish
Dr. David P. Hill, Professor of Spanish Emeritus, USC, guides us in conversation practice, cultural readings, and grammar review. Class is conducted entirely in Spanish. Class limit 12 devices. Class begins at 11:00.
In the News
Emeritus Professor of Statistics, USC, John Spurrier leads an open, non-agenda-driven discussion of current news stories appearing in major newspapers around the country and the globe. Emphasis is placed on considering the stories from different viewpoints. Links to the stories are e-mailed a few days before each class. Class begins at 10:00.
South Carolina Passions and Scandals
Historian Pat McNeely offers insights from her most recent books about South Carolinians. Learn about Elizabeth and Ann Timothy, who defied society's conventions to become America's first female journalists. Hear the tragic story of Henry Timrod, our state's poet laureate, as he grappled with the Civil War. Be surprised (and shocked) by the political scandal involving John C. Calhoun that rocked Andrew Jackson's presidency. Class begins at 11:30.
Trivial Pursuit
This popular game is back! Join Deb Gants and Ray Reynolds for a fun hour of laughter, plus learn some things you didn't know you needed to know, as members play Trivial Pursuit in randomly assigned teams. Class begins at 11:30.
Creative Writing Group
Members share prose and verse, memoirs and fiction. Indulge your creativity, engage in a journey of self-discovery, or just enjoy listening as others share their efforts. Newcomers are warmly welcomed. Dr. Miriam Johnson, Professor of Social Work Emerita, USC, provides optional writing prompts. Members unable to join online may participate through exchanges of documents and other offline contacts. Zoom participants limit 15. Class begins at 10:00.
Brochure Credits:
Courses planned by Adventures in Learning Committee, chaired by Carol McGinnis Kay and co-chaired by Deb Gants.
Brochure designed by Carol McGinnis Kay.